Unaware of Aziz Majidzadeh Situation

There is no information on Aziz Majidzadeh detention location, the charges against him, and responsible organization for his arrest. He was arrested on March 2nd, 2018, at a nearby workshop near Karaj, where his friends were working

Kiryrash Aalipoor, spokeswoman for Organization of Article 18, about the detention Aziz Majidzadeh who recently converted Christian told the Human Rights Campaign, “Aziz Majidzadeh and about 20 newly converted Christians were arrested at the workshop of one of their friends near the city of Karaj on the afternoon of March 2nd. Apparently, the agents arrested one of the Christians in front of the workshop door, and ask him to ring the doorbell when the door was opened, they attacked the inside the workshop.“

“The agents entered the workshop with a camcorder, and the camera was on for a few hours during interrogation and inspection of the workshop. Their personal belongings, including cell phones and laptops, were seized. Many of the arrested Christians were released after a brief interrogation and recorded their information, and some were released a few hours after being arrested. But Aziz Majidzadeh has been detained since that date.”

Aziz Majidzadeh who had recently converted to Christianity, is 54 years old and was living in Tehran. He is married and has two children who are concerned about their father’s situation.

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